Monday, January 7, 2008

Growing Up Before Our Eyes!!

Peter, our special needs boy, can no longer wear that label. He had surgery in December and has recovered beautifully. All of the reasons he was labeled special needs have been repaired and he is healthy as can be. As I write this, he is running circles around the rooms. I don't know why, but he is having fun. :)

Now on to the update of our kids. The kids are growing up so quickly. I cannot believe how much Peter has changed in the few short months he has been here. Then I think about the changes Gracie has made. WOW! Our kids are growing up before our eyes. Most days I am looking forward to the next big milestone like being potty trained, or being able to pick up their own toys. :0) Really, you look forward to the changes they make and then look back and wish they were little again. It is so neat to see what God is doing in all of our lives as the kids grow up.

We take a picture of each of the kids alone at the end of each month in front of our TV cabinet (used to be bookshelves before we moved). We are able to see actual growth by putting them in front of the same thing for each picture. It has been fun to see them sprout up. The neatest thing though is seeing the physical changes in their features. It is an amazing thing to see. We have a box for the photos that we print at the end of each month so you can lay them all out and look at them like a giant time line. It is sooooo cool! Dave had the idea when we brought Gracie home and we have continued with Peter. Here are a few examples, Peter's are the end of Sep and Dec 2007 and Gracie's are the end of Oct 2005 and end of Dec 2007.

It is so fun to watch the kids grow.

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