Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Two Weeks Home

WOW! it has been more than two weeks since we got home. I can't believe it! We had these wonderful family photos taken at Sears. They did a fabulous job!
Let's see, what has happened these past 2 weeks. The first week home was a blur because we were all stuggling to get acclimated to this time zone again. We were so grateful to have my parents in town to help. They cooked and cleaned and watched the kids so we cold get some much needed rest. Thanks, Ma and Pa, you are the best! Peter seemed to get into the swing of things much more quickly than the rest of us. Grace took the longest figuring out when night and morning were. We are all back on a regular schedule now.
Peter is so darn cute and seems to be happy 90% of the time. He smiles and laughs as he plays, eats, and plays some more. He is becoming a very affectionate little boy, too. He loves hugs and kisses. He seems to be understanding more every day and he likes to repeat some English words as he hears them. Hopefully he will start communicating soon because that will help his sister a bit. Gracie is still not so sure of the brother thing. She is coming around more and more each day. You should see the two of them holding hands and dancing around the house. Cute as can be!!!
My sister had a birthday!! Happy birthday, Merge! We went out to dinner with her family. That was a lot of fun.
Dave has returned to work and we have started our daily routine. It is nice to be back on a regular schedule.
We have photos of our return, Peter at home and some pictures at the Gibson's in North Carolina. When we get those posted, we will post a link to them. It may be a couple more days since nap time is my only free time.
We are hoping to keep you all updated on Peter through the blog. Hope you all are well.