Monday, August 27, 2007

Shamian Island

Today we had a free morning while our guides took our paperwork to the consulate for the visas. We had to stay in the room to receive a call in case there were any problems. We had early naps because we were going to Shamian Island to go shopping. Shamian Island is an area near where the US Consulate used to be so there are a lot of shops set up to sell to American tourists. The people in the shops speak English and tell us how beautiful our babies are. We were asked MANY times today if we had twins. :) We were able to get most of the shopping done that we had on our list. I still can't believe the prices of a lot of what we bought. I have a bit of a cold and was so focussed on our shopping list that I did not take one picture (believe it or not). Luckily, Dave took 4 so we have a few. There will be no link to a photo album today though because we have no pictures. We have our consulate appointments tomorrow and then we start packing. I am so looking forward to coming home.

We will have some photos tomorrow because we are taking group pictures in the garden. There are no photos of the consulate appointment because cameras are not allowed in. Maybe I can have Dave draw you all a picture. ;)
Talk with you soon!


Meg said...

Soon you will be home. Sorry you are not feeling well.We love you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Major Family! Special hugs to Peter and big sister Gracie! We are with you in spirit. We love you and are praying for you. Wendy, thanks for posting everything. Just a few more days, and you will ALL be home! Hooray! Lots of love to all of you -- From Steve, Hope and Alexa.

Anonymous said...

Shayla has already picked out her outfit that she will wear to the airport on Friday!! I claim full responsibility for her fashionista tendencies!! We are very excited and I tell everyone that will listen that Peter is coming home with his new family!! The children cannot wait and their Mommy is just as eager to see all of you! Love Jeannine

Liz Ecelbarger said...

I'm jealous. I want to go to the airport. Why don't you fly into Orlando, spend a few days at Disney, and then go home:)?

I see Disney World (and the Ecelbargers)in Peter's near future.


Anonymous said...

HI! Miss you guys! I will miss seeing you at the airport this time, because we'll be gone. Sorry I'll miss Shayla's outfit too! :)
Can't wait to see you all next week.

Still praying! Will pray for the trip home too.

Love you!

Anonymous said...

be bold! be strong! for the Lord YOUR God is with you! it has been a precious gift to me that i have been able to follow your blog while you are in china getting your son. i hope you are feeling better soon, and i'll be praying for your return home with your family! congratulations, guys!!

WillowKalena said...

Hi Peter's new wonderful family. I'll continue praying for you all and your journey home. I love you all and see you soon!!!! y