Saturday, August 25, 2007

Peter's Physical Exam

Ni hao from Guangzhou! Peter's physical exam was this morning at a clinic on Sha Mian Island. He had three separate exams but none of them was very thorough. We did find out that he weighs 12.6 kg and he's 91 cm long. He was definitely not a fan of the doctors but the entire ordeal didn't last long.

Next, we headed off to Carrefour to do a little grocery shopping and then back to the hotel for lunch. We had some delicious pineapple pies from McDonald's for dessert. The kids went down for a nap and Dave went to do paperwork for Peter's visa. On his way back to the room, he could hear the sound of giggling coming down the hallway. It was Gracie and Peter having a blast playing together, running around and being silly. They're really enjoying each other more and more each day.

For dinner, we went with our travel group to a Japanese steakhouse for a delicious meal. Peter is enjoying all of the new foods that he's getting to try. We doubt he'll be leaving many dirty plates any time soon.

Of course, we have more pictures.


Anonymous said...

I love the pictures!! -- And yesterdays was a prize winner!!

It's so good to "see" you everyday!!

Lokes like things are going well. God is SO good!! I will continue to pray, as I know there are still a lot of adjustments and unknowns ahead.

Love you all!

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the "typo"! I guess you know that was supposed to be "looks"!

Silly (tired) me!!


Liz Ecelbarger said...

I guess kids (and some adults:)not liking doctors is universal!

The growing joy in Grace and Peter's relationship is contagious. It spreads even through your blog pictures to me! It makes me want to run and laugh with them (and unfortunately eat too:)

Love you,

Meg said...

How cute! Miss you and can't wait for next Friday! Love, Merge

kristen said...

Hi guys,

This is so great to follow along. My mom and I are having a blast reading all about it. I am anxious for it to be 'my turn', and yet I know that time will come in God's perfect timing. You all look like you've always been together and belong together! Thanks for the great updates!!

God Bless you ALL,
Kristen Horn and Mary Hall

Anonymous said...

Your blog was forwarded to us and we are rejoicing with you at adding Peter to your family. God's sovereignty is truly astounding! The pictures are precious...each day his smile broadens! We pray the remainder of your trip will be met with God's continued protection and grace!

Benny and Sheree