Monday, August 13, 2007

One Week

I woke up today realizing that one week from right now, I will be watching Peter sleep and you all will be finding out about him and looking at pictures. It was so neat to know that friends and family were getting to wake up to meet Gracie as we were putting her down to sleep on the day that we got her. Now we get to experience that again. Our little boy will be winding down as you are starting your day. He will have had a very hard day being passed off to people he doesn't even know. He will be confused and scared but he will be one of the most loved people on this planet. His new mommy, daddy, and sister will have spent the day trying to help him feel how loved and special he is and how excited they are to have this new addition to the family. That is what we will be doing one week from today and I can't believe it is almost here. God is so good to us!


Anonymous said...

Our daughter was adopted from Zhenjiang in 1997 and we went back in 2006 to visit the orphanage. I wonder if Peter is in any of our pictures or video of the children at the orphanage last June???

kristen said...

Hi guys! Your blog gave me goosebumps! How exciting. I can't wait to hear/read all about it! I'm so glad you are doing this - and I can't wait to read more than the first post which is all I've read so far. I'll be praying for you all and your travels, and 'firsts' and time together as a family. Praise God - He is good indeed! ~Kristen Horn

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys!

I will be praying for that day starting now, becuase by the time I "tune in", YOUR very special day will be ending and you'll be enjoying (hopefully) very peaceful sleep.

I love ALL of you!! I am praying for you and can't wait to follow your trip, and better yet, see you when you get home!!

Love you lots!
Sharon and Family

PS - We're selling items at the Church Yard Sale on Saturday to raise money for Peter. The kids are excited to give money too. - But to motivated them to sell MORE of their toys, I told them they could keep half of the money for what they sell. The other half they will give to Peter.